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  • MindMate Staff

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

With the coronavirus pandemic causing much uncertainty, and often fear, it is important to consider our mental health, and how the pandemic makes us feel. For some, this may be their first time experiencing anxiety, whilst others may face anxiety symptoms on a daily basis due to an anxiety disorder. So, today we want to focus on anxiety, and look at why people feel anxious.

Often, people hear the word anxiety and immediately assume that it is a negative feeling. However, feeling anxious can actually be a good thing. In fact, it is one of the emotions responsible for ensuring the survival of the human race by alerting the body to react to nearby dangers, and plays into the ‘fight or flight’ response. 

When you feel anxious, there are some common changes you will notice in your body. These include an increase in heart rate, fast breathing, restlessness, concentration difficulties, and trouble sleeping. However, the severance of symptoms can vary between person to person, and feeling anxious is not the same as an anxiety attack. The symptoms of an anxiety attack differ from person to person, but often include dizziness, numbness, hot flushes, and worry. There is also a difference between feeling anxious, and having an anxiety disorder. Some common anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder- this is the most common anxiety disorders and involves feeling worried for long periods of time over non-specific events

  • Panic disorder- this results in huge feelings of terror, leading to nausea, dizziness, and breathing difficulties. Panic disorders often occur after prolonged stress, but can occur without any specific trigger

  • Specific phobia- this is when a specific event or object causes anxiety and fear

  • Selective mutism- this is commonly suffered by children, and refers to when they do not speak in certain situations 

With anxiety disorders impacting 40 million people in the US, it is vital that more attention is given to the condition, and that we overcome any taboo surrounding anxiety disorders. In terms of medical treatments, much more research is required to fully understand anxiety disorder, which is why more clinical trials in the field are needed. To find out more about clinical trials, click here.


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