In this week’s video blog post we asked Tommy about his favourite place in Glasgow. Glasgow has become home for the MindMate Team and we have spent the most time around Glasgow University where also our office is at the moment. We asked Tommy what the first place is that comes to his mind and what memories he connects with it. Watch the video here:
“It’s at the top of Bellahouston Park. “ “I’ve started to go on walks again, and I used to go there when I was a little boy. It reminds me of growing up.” “I often go there just when I need a wee bit of time to think. “ “I can see the house I life in from it and when I look to the other side I can see the house I grew up in.”
We have never been but hearing Tommy speak about it makes us definitely want to go. What place in your hometown or in the city you live in has a special meaning to you? Tell us about it in the comment section! Here are MindMate's favourite places in Glasgow:
