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7 helpful and innovative Apps for Seniors

MindMate Team

High-tech companies don't usually target older adults. Nowadays, the app market is jammed with social media platforms, games, photo sharing and productivity tools for teenagers and twenty-somethings. Even though they might be branded differently, many apps aid the lives of best agers and give them helpful tools at hand to make life easier. Read here about the top 7 apps for seniors:

1) MindMate Available for iPhone, iPad, Android Cost: Free MindMate has been described as “the ultimate in senior apps”. It is so much more than an app, it is a friend that is always there for the user. It helps the user to stay focused with a daily activity plan, ranging from physical exercises, via nutrition advice and health tips to mental exercises (or brain games). MindMate also provides entertainment through music and tv on demand. Apart from that, MindMate is Alzheimer’s and dementia friendly, and is used by many people living with cognitive decline and memory loss.

2) Skype

Available for iPhone, iPad, Android

Cost: Free

Staying connected with your family has never been easier. Having family abroad or far away? No problem! Skype makes it easy to make long-distance calls, as well as video chat with your loved ones far away. You can call mobile phones and landlines for a small fee, and video chat via Wifi is completely free.

Image: Skype Website (; retrieved: 01/27/2017)

3) Google Calendar

Available for iPhone, iPad, Android

Cost: Free

Want to make the most of every day? The Google Calendar app helps you to organise your day and even makes suggestions to follow a healthier lifestyle, while including time to do exercises. This calendar is easy in navigation and will help you in your everyday life.

Image: iTunes (; retrieved: 01/27/2017)

4) Lumosity

Available for iPhone, iPad and Android

Cost: monthly subscription: $11.99 | £8.99

Lumosity is without any doubt the leader of the brain game apps. This app combines 25+ brain stimulating games that challenge the user in attention and memory. The only downside of this app is that it is not the cheapest one.

Image: iTunes (; retrieved: 01/27/2017)

5) Allrecipes

Available for iPhone, iPad, Android

Cost: Free

This app is perfect, if you have an interesting in cooking and discovering new recipes. This app lives through community - you will get new recipes and new suggestions. A new, innovative approach to home cooking.

Image: iTunes (​; retrieved: 01/27/2017)

6) WhatsApp

Available for iPhone and Android.

Cost: Free

Messaging has never been easier. Keep in touch with your family. Exchanging pictures or even making calls via the internet, no problem for WhatsApp! Even your teenage grandson will communicate more with you through this great app.

Image: iTunes (; retrieved: 01/27/2017)

7) Youtube

Available for iPhone, iPad and Android

Cost: Free

Listen to your favourite music, watch TV shows, or fun home videos. Youtube makes it also easy for you to create playlists and share music and videos with your friends and family.

Image: iTunes (; retrieved: 01/27/2017)


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