What is Dementia?
Dementia is a general term (not a specific disease) that describes a group of symptoms which negatively impacts memory severe enough to interfere with daily life.
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia with 60-80% of cases, while Vascular Dementia is the second most common dementia type. Nevertheless, there are many other conditions that cause symptoms of dementia. As opposed to Alzheimer’s, some forms of dementia are reversible.

Why do People Participate in Clinical Trials?

1. To get access to new treatments For people living with serious conditions, participating in clinical trials can be a lifeline. Not only will you gain access to treatments that are not widely available and could be potentially life-changing, you also get the benefit of being closely assessed and monitored by a dedicated team of expert medical professionals who are fully invested in your personal health and wellbeing.
2. To Give Hope to their Loved-Ones Many illnesses or diseases can be genetic and so by participating in clinical research, you are helping to improve the lives of your family members and loved-ones in the future. Volunteering for a trial enables the advancement of medicine, making new treatments available for your future family. Who knows when a study could be the one in which a cure is discovered!?
3. To Give Hope For the Future Not only could participation be beneficial for your own family, contributing to the discovery of new treatments has the potential to help transform life for millions of others living with a particular condition! New drugs could enable future generations of patients to live more easily or even wipe out a disease altogether! The potential implications of taking part in a clinical trial are a major reason why so many people take part.
4. Because their Physician Advises it Oftentimes, people get involved in clinical trials on the advice of their physician. Your doctor will most likely recommend a trial because of the potential for you to access new treatment. They have a responsibility to put your health and wellbeing first, and so you can be sure that they can be trusted if they believe participating in a trial could be of benefit to you.
5. Because Clinical Trials need Participants from all Backgrounds Clinical Research is a complex and thorough process, and trials often require highly specific criteria of their participants. Many trials require people with rare conditions and from diverse backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities. Obviously, not everyone who volunteers for a trial will be eligible, and a significant number of trials fail to get started because they could not recruit enough patients. Therefore, for the sake of medical advancement, it’s important that as many people as possible volunteer for clinical research.