What is Dementia?
Dementia is a general term (not a specific disease) that describes a group of symptoms which negatively impacts memory severe enough to interfere with daily life.
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia with 60-80% of cases, while Vascular Dementia is the second most common dementia type. Nevertheless, there are many other conditions that cause symptoms of dementia. As opposed to Alzheimer’s, some forms of dementia are reversible.

How to start a Healthy Diet

Following a healthy diet isn’t as restrictive or even confusing as many people think. It is essential to change your diet for good, and do not do any “blitz” diets that praise results already after a few days or weeks. The key to a healthy diet is to change your diet, step by step and to include mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. Important is to limit highly processed foods. Read here about some tips how to follow a healthy diet:
1) Limit Refined Grains/Added Sugar Foods with added sugar, such as candy or soda are empty calories that only contribute to weight gain. Also watch out for “wheat flour”, which is sometimes also called “refined”, “White” or “enriched” flour. Last, try to cut down white bread, regular pasta and mosts snacks. Why? Because they contain refined carbohydrates, have no or little dietary fiber and have been stripped of many nutrients.
2) Choose Food over Supplements Supplements cannot substitute a healthy diet. The reason behind this is that food also provide the needed synergies that most nutrients require to be efficiently used in the body. Nevertheless, in can make sense for some people to add certain supplements to their diet, should they fall short on it. Example are vitamin d supplements, or minerals like magnesium or zinc.
3) Portions matter Key to a healthier diet is not to restrict you on all the foods you usually like. Some research even suggests that restriction and cutting out certain food is unhealthy. Nevertheless, portions matter! This is true specifically for higher-calorie food. So, don’t worry! If you want to eat pizza - just do it, but keep in mind to just eat one slice, instead of a whole pizza :)
4) Eat more Avocado, Nuts, Fish and Olive Oil Specifically fatty fish, olive oil, nuts and avocados contain healthy unsaturated fats. Don’t be shocked: these foods are high in calorie, but, if not eaten in masses, they do not promote weight gain.
5) Be aware of liquid Calories & limit Alcohol In the diet of an average American person, 20% of calories come from beverages. Some of these liquid calories might come from healthy beverages, for example 100% fruit juice or milk, but most come from sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks. These drinks have many calories but mostly no nutrients. Attention: if you want to switch your soda against a juice next time, be aware that juice, while being more nutritious than soda, is also high in calories. So, most people should not drink more than one average glass.