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What made this Christmas special?

MindMate Team

by Gabriela Matic

The whole MindMate Team hopes that you had wonderful holidays and are looking forward to a great year ahead. This is just a short blog post in which we want to wish you a wonderful 2016. We also want to share a little message that all of us should keep in mind, not only this year but at all times.

We’ve been speaking to a lot of people about their Christmas Holidays and what made them special. Not having to go to work or getting nice presents was mentioned but compared to a different factor all of this seemed secondary. What makes the holidays and life in general worth living is the people we spend them with. Weather it is family or friends, most people we spoke to enjoyed being around individuals they care about. Sure, there are people out there who prefer to be alone, but statistics show that most of us don’t want to be. Last December, the Samaritans are said to have received 244,000 calls from people suffering from depression and stress across Britain and Ireland. The numbers have probably not decreased this year.

​We are not the biggest fans of New Year’s resolutions, but what all of us should try to put in practice is a kind and caring way of life. 

Starting from today, let’s reduce the number of people who will have to spend next Christmas alone. Let’s care about each other every single day of the year. 

One great project for example is: It’s really more about kindness, then any other form of present. One of my favourite short stories about a little different Christmas present is Harper Lee’s “Christmas to me/My Christmas in New York”. The world famous author of “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “ Go Set A Watchman“ gets a present of a lifetime. 

"One lonely Christmas - stuck in New York City and unable to get home to Alabama to see her family - Harper Lee spent the holiday with friends... and received a Christmas gift that would end up being a present to the entire literary world." - ​McCall's Magazine, 1961


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